March 10-16 Special: buy 2 mixes, get a 3rd for 50% off. All mixes are on a 5-10 business day turnaround, with the exception of mixes in the ready for pick up section.

Jar Buy Back

jar buy back program

Return your mason jars to Jars by Jodi and receive a shop credit for future shopping.

How it works:

  • Put the lid on your jar, if available. No need to wash your jar or remove any labels, we will do that for you.
  • Take a picture of the jar(s) and lid(s) that you have and send the picture to
  • Once a photo is received then a corresponding shop credit will be issued for future shopping.
  • The jars can be returned when a future order is picked up, at any of our in-person markets, or they can be returned to Mason Jar Merchant or The Happy Kitchen in Fort Langley.